
Happy Birthday to me

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Surgery Scheduled - Feb 8

Regarding my Mitral Valve Surgery, I managed to move my 'scheduling' appointment up
from Jan 20 to today.
I met with the Surgeon (Dr. Skipper) and we're now set-up for Surgery on Friday, February 4th Tuesday February 8th.

They will go through my sternum and STOP my Heart while they perform the
'open heart' operation to repair my leaky Mitral valve. It will take about 3-4 hours.
I'll be in ICU for 2 days, and hospitalized for 4-7 days.
I'll be off work for up to 6 weeks, while I recover.

All this sounds pretty scary, but the statistics are on my side for no complications and a full recovery.

As I said before, I'm doing this because I will be 'better off' AFTERWARDS, than I am now.
I hope this won't cause me to miss the Super Bowl - One has to have priorities.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Heart Catheterization - No Blockage

Heart Catheterization:

I was tested for Artery blockage to see if any By-pass surgery was necessary.
The result was NO BLOCKAGE (0%).
As you can imagine, we are happy with the results.

The test took place at Carolina Medical Center in Pineville.
Our biggest challenge was ..... ICE- 1/4 inch thick.
First, at 5:30 AM, we couldn't get into the car (Chiseled our way in).
Then, the roads were a sheet of ice, but WE got there at 6:10.
Unfortunately, the Doctor didn't arrive until 10 AM.

The actual procedure took less than an hour, but I had to spend the next 2 hours flat on my back before they'd release me.  As of now, I feel fine.

The next step is to have the surgeon (Dr. Skipper) review the results and schedule the actual Mitral Valve surgery.
Unfortunately (again), he can't see me until January 20th.  bummer.
I'm trying to get them to move it up.

We'll keep you posted.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Update Christmas 2010

Ed Slezycki
First, I want to wish a Merry Christmas to Y'all.

I met with the heart Surgeon, Dr. Skipper.
He explained the problem with my Mitral Valve and how he would go about repairing it (not 'replace').
He also told how he would help my Atrial Fibrillation (erratic beat) by ablating some nerves. In addition, he would do some 'maintenance' while he was inside.
He'll most likely go through my breastbone, although there are other options.
He says there's a 95% probability of fixing my problem.

I did some research on Dr. Skipper : He’s an A+.  And he's a nice guy who 'really' seems to know his stuff.

But.... (there's always a 'but'), he said there's no sense going inside, only to find we 'should have' planned some by-pass surgery. Therefore, he wants to test for artery clogs via Catheter, even though there's no eminent indication of problems (he doesn't know I ate a big portion of Rene's Baklava). Makes sense.

The problem is (at this time) the earliest I can get a ’Cath’ test is Jan 11th (they're trying to improve). It may be a moot point anyway, because business is good. Dr. Skipper is BOOKED for surgery into February. The earliest possible operation date would be late January. 

The BEST is that we caught the 'problem' during a routine exam, BEFORE anything serious happened.

The WORST news is that I won't be able to play GOLF until 3 Months AFTER the surgery.
I'm sure Daryl will give me plenty of strokes when I get back (perhaps I shouldn’t use the word ‘stroke’).

But when it’s all over, I’ll be better off than I am now. 
I hope to have the heart of an 18 year-old (look out, Sue).

That’s the short version.
Wish me luck.